
Customised E-Solution Services (CESS)

CESS provide services like Emailing, SMS, and Customised Web solutions
  • Emailing and SMS Services are part of the hybrid e-printing service, where we manage customer’s data to facilitate printing, emailing or sms services.

  • We are OSPAR certified to be our customers trusted data outsourcing partner, where customers can be assured of their data integrity and security when outsourcing their printing needs to us.

  • We build program to process data to determine whether the data is going to be printed or to be processed into e-copy for emailing or to be sent an informative sms.

  • E-copy are also encrypted with AES128 encryption.

  • In emailing services, we manage bounce mails, attempt to resend every 2 hours for a total of 3 times, and escalate into hard copy printing after 3 attempts.

  • At the end of each email job, we send deliverability reports, bounce list and unsubscribe list.

  • We develop customised Web solutions to suit all business needs, from Particulars Update portal to rewards or loyalty points web portal.

  • All our web solutions are hosted in AZURE cloud, therefore you get SSL ready URL for free. AZURE also guarantee 99.95% of web app uptime.

  • Web solutions are scalable automatically according to web traffic using AZURE load balancer. Data stored in AZURE SQL database are protected by data encryption, for eg. Data encryption at rest, Data encryption in transit.

  • We provide secured login with two factor authentication implementation.

  • TFS implemented Digital Visitor check in deployed at the security guard house. This is to eliminate the hard copy factor, and to have a better system for audit checks.

  • The security guard can register all visitors using the system instead of updating in hard copy.

  • In the dashboard, TFS staff can view the visitor log in real time.

  • The dashboard also shows if there is any visitors in the premises, the security guard can contact the visitor if the need arise.

  • TFS admin staff can also view the log in graphs and charts for better data analysis. They can also choose to download the report for further processing.

  • TFS admin staff can also create user by using the Accounts module. It can configure the user the access rights to only registering or reports or as an Admin to have all access.

  • Visitors can pre register prior to their visit. This is to ease the registration process upon actual visitation.

  • A link will be send to the visitor to fill in the registration fields, and a QR code will be generated.

  • Visitor can screenshot the QR code and show it to the security guard upon their visit.

  • The security guard will scan the QR code and all the fields will be auto populated. This help to cut down the time to register on the spot.